Hitting TNR where it lives

Censorship occurs when the government tries to shut down speech. Marketplace forces work when an entity in the business of purveying speech learns that its particular type of speech will not be profitable. Confederate Yankee is suggesting that we put the marketplace to work against TNR, not because it is more or less anti-War than any other MSM organ, but because it is relentlessly perpetuating a known lie that slanders the United States Military. You can read here CY’s explanation of why he believes a boycott affecting contacting TNR’s advertisers is an appropriate thing to do.

3 Responses

  1. Sorry for the change, but after talking to some folks with a bit more experience, I’m merely asking that you contact the advertisers and ask them to pull their advertising from TNR, not boycott them.

    The advertisers didn’t do anything wrong.

    TNR, however…

  2. BW and CY,
    Thanks for the link and the addresses. As a Vietnam Era vet, and a pediatrician with former patients fighting in Iraq, along with all the other reasons, I have a lot of writing to do.

  3. BW and CY,
    Thanks for the link and the addresses. As a Vietnam Era vet, and a pediatrician with former patients fighting in Iraq, along with all the other reasons, I have a lot of writing to do.

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