I just called to say “I love you” *BUMPED*

[I originally posted this on June 15, but as the idea of sending the Marines supportive emails is slowly making its way around the blogosphere, I thought I’d bump it up and give it another chance here too.]

Ymarsakar (who blogs at Sake Light) knows that, while I support all of our armed forces, I’m particularly fond of the Marines. Turns out they need to feel the love. Over at Blackfive, in a roundtable with Col. Simcock of Regimental Combat Team 6, Col. Simcock had this to say:

COL. SIMCOCK: (Chuckles.) I’ll tell you what, the one thing that all Marines want to know about — and that includes me and everyone within Regimental Combat Team 6 — we want to know that the American public are behind us. We believe that the actions that we’re taking over here are very, very important to America. We’re fighting a group of people that, if they could, would take away the freedoms that America enjoys.

If anyone — you know, just sit down, jot us — throw us an e- mail, write us a letter, let us know that the American public are behind us. Because we watch the news just like everyone else. It’s broadcast over here in our chow halls and the weight rooms, and we watch that stuff, and we’re a little bit concerned sometimes that America really doesn’t know what’s going on over here, and we get sometimes concerns that the American public isn’t behind us and doesn’t see the importance of what’s going on. So that’s something I think that all Marines, soldiers and sailors would like to hear from back home, that in fact, yes, they think what we’re doing over here is important and they are in fact behind us.

Since that interview, the Marines have set up an email address (or, if that doesn’t work, just address your email to RCT-6lettersfromh*at*gcemnf-wiraq.usmc.mil).

As soon as I finish this post, I’m writing my email. And since I decided I need a little musical accompaniment for this one, I’ve got just the video:

UPDATE: Apparently it’s working. I have it from Blackfive that the Marines have already received 2,000 supportive emails, emails from all over the world, but a little love is never enough. Send more.

UPDATE II: Okay, now it’s really going to work, since the big guns have been called in. Both Michelle Malkin and Wizbang have broadcast the request for emails to the Marines. At this point, if you don’t hop to it and send an email soon, your special message to our guys and gals is going to get lost in the rush.

UPDATE III: The Old War Dogs are blogging this one , as are Bill’s Bites and Flopping Aces. Word is spreading.

4 Responses

  1. I got quite a hearty laugh out of your post, Book, due to the chocolate covered lyrics and adorable titles.

    People should always see people for what and whom they are, rather than what they were taught to see them as. Knowing what a person loves is only a small challenge in the greater scheme of human existence. But even such low thresholds are too high for many people to overcome, in their inability to see people for who they truly are.

    It’s why I like the Marines. For it was an unexpected surprise to see people who could truly see others for what they were, a group of people supremely confident in themselves that they had no need to spread their misery around for compensation. They were the first branch of the military that I had any experience with, history wise or people wise. It is also why I like your perspectives, Book, for in you I see the same grace, dedication, and depth of soul. True understanding is always hard to come by, but with your help and the help of people like the Marines in helping Iraqis in Iraq, it might indeed be accomplished, even with the naysayers and prejudiced dregs of humanity lying around this world.

  2. Milblogger project: Send an e-mail of support

    [I’ll keep this at the top of the site through at least Thursday. Please scroll down for newer posts.] Email from Blackfive this (Wednesday) morning:With combat operations in Iraq as kinetic as they’ve ever been, the Marinescould use your support.

  3. Milblogger project: Send an e-mail of support

    [I’ll keep this at the top of the site through at least Thursday. Please scroll down for newer posts.] Email from Blackfive this (Wednesday) morning:With combat operations in Iraq as kinetic as they’ve ever been, the Marinescould use your support. No…

  4. […] [Discuss This Post With Bookworm AND SEND THAT E-Mail :-)] Share Article Marines, COL. SIMCOCK    Sphere: Related Content Trackback URL […]

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