Education without meaning

Regular readers know that I periodically rant about public school education, which feeds kids massive amounts of bite size, PC information, leeched of content and meaning. One of my bookworms, having spent weeks studying California missions, was able to name all the missions, describe adobe production, and detail the abuses heaped upon Indians. She had no idea how the missions got to California, how the Spanish were involved in the missions, how the Spanish got to California, the religious purpose the missions served, etc. It’s as if the school gives the kids lots and lots of little pieces of marble, and announces that, in their hands, they hold David.

Just the other day, you heard me grumble about a massive school recital that had teachers blathering on about global warming (it’s all our fault, in case you didn’t know), and kids zealously wrapping about recycling. The walls were festooned were pictures of kids picking up garbage from the beach.

In other words, after a year in public school, my bright little bookworm has learned math at a procedural level, without having any idea what she’s doing (which is why, within weeks of a lesson she’s aced, she’s entirely forgotten how to to do), she’s well on her way to being completely up to date on all the horrible things Americans and other white people have done to every one else in the world, she lectures me about waste, and she’s reading for an advanced degree in beach cleaning. Grrrr.

It turns out I’m not a lone malcontent. The same dreary politicization of education, with children being forced to memorize endless factoids that are not allowed to hold any place in their imagination, while at the same time being deluged with political pap, is going on in England, all in preparation for tests that are aimed at memorization skills and multi-culti mastery. At least one prestigious think tank is now on the attack (emphasis mine):

The curriculum in state schools in England has been stripped of its content and corrupted by political interference, according to a damning report by an influential, independent think-tank.

It warns of the educational apartheid opening up between the experience of pupils in the state sector and those at independent schools, which have refused to reduce academic content to make way for fashionable causes.

No major subject area has escaped the blight of political interference, according to the report published by Civitas.

“The traditional subject areas have been hijacked to promote fashionable causes such as gender awareness, the environment and anti-racism, while teachers are expected to help to achieve the Government’s social goals instead of imparting a body of academic knowledge to their students,” it says.

The report, The Corruption of the Curriculum, comes as the General Teaching Council, representing the teaching profession in England, calls for the scrapping of all national curriculum tests.

Civitas casts doubt on the value of much of what children are now “taught”. History has become so divorced from facts and chronology that pupils might learn the new “skills and perspectives” through a work of fiction, such as Lord of the Rings, it says.

Teenagers studying for GCSEs are being asked to write about the September 11 atrocities using Arab media reports and speeches from Osama bin Laden as sources without balancing material from America, it reveals.

In English, the drive for gender and race equality has led an exam board to produce a list of modern poems from around the world without a single poet from England or Wales being represented.

The new 21st-century science curriculum introduced last September substitutes debates on abortion, genetic engineering and the use of nuclear power for lab work and scientific inquiry, it says.

Designed to make science more popular, the results of a study show it has had the opposite effect, with pupils less interested in the subject and less keen to pursue it in the sixth form than they were under the previous, more fact-based lessons.

Future scientists will be even more likely to come from independent schools because the new GCSE courses will leave state pupils ill-quipped for further study, it says.

Most comprehensive schools are teaching the new science for examination next year but the vast majority of independent and grammar schools have seized the opportunity to continue to teach biology, chemistry and physics as separate subjects.

Martin Stephen, the High Master of St Paul’s, a leading boys’ independent school in London, warned of the “terrifying absence of proper science” in the new courses and said his pupils would be taking the International GCSE in the three separate sciences.

If we’re not careful, just as our past was once England (and a fairly good legacy of freedom and democracy it gave us), soon our future will be England too, and that, sadly, is a very depressing thought.

UPDATE: On the subject of what an English education once was, let me recommend one of my all time favorite books, Paul Fussell’s The Great War and Modern Memory. In his book, Fussell examines the intellectual life of the British as they went into World War I, and how it changed as they went through and eventually came out of the first modern war. It’s a beautifully written book, balancing a history of the war itself, literature, poetry, and the biographies of the war’s great literary figures (from Rupert Brooks, to Robert Graves, to Siegfried Sassoon). I can’t find my copy right now, but I distinctly remember him writing that it was the first war were every soldier, from top to bottom, was literate, and even those soldiers from the lowest social echelons were literate in a way we can’t imagine today, casually making reference to Shakespeare, Chaucer, Pope, Bunyan, etc. Even when I lived in England, some 25 years ago, I was impressed with the casual familiarity my British friends had with their country’s great literary works, something I doubt you’d find amongst college students nowadays.

Incidentally, I have in the past recommended another of Fussell’s works, a collection of essays entitled Thank God for the Atom Bomb — a book, interestingly enough, that no longer seems to be in print. In that book, Fussell compelling argued that Truman, in dropping the bomb, was not motivated simply by a desire to show off to the Soviets. Instead, he had before him accurate information that the Japanese intended to fight to the last man, woman and child. They’d already shown staggering, indeed insane, fortitude, in prior engagements with the Marines and the Navy. They’d also shown themselves to be particularly cruel to prisoners (think Bataan Death March). Truman had reason to believe that, even though America would definitely defeat Japan, it could only be done at the cost of another 30,000 – 40,000 American lives, with an almost unlimited number of suicidal Japanese deaths. In this context, it made perfect sense to drop a single bomb that would (a) result in about the same number of Japanese deaths anyway (because no one could have imagined the years of radiation poisoning; (b) end the war in minutes; (c) save tens of thousands of American lives in a war the Japanese started and, oh yes, (d) give the finger to Uncle Joe in Moscow.

As it turned out, Fussell’s theory about the reasonableness of dropping the atom bomb turned out to be right on the money. After decades of historical revisionism that tried to paint the Japanese dead in Hiroshima and Nakasaki as the first and worst victims of America’s heedless plunge into the cold war, recently revealed papers showed that Truman (and Fussell) were right.

Sometimes it’s worth remembering that there might be a certain virtue to the “ripping off the bandaid” school of warfare, since slow bleed warfare can be just as deadly, but possibly even more demoralizing, not only for the inevitable loser in the war, but for the victor too.

UPDATE II: Re Rob’s comment: Rob, did you read the article about the use of computers in Marin County? At great expense, all the kids from 5th grade and up have been given computers, despite the fact that more and more studies are showing that, for at least half the kids in any given class, the only things they learn are (a) how to use computers (which is useful, but could be a discrete class); and (b) how to cheat. Knowledge is not improved and, indeed, analytical abilities go downhill as kids simply get better and better at cutting and pasting, with ever less time going into thinking.

Things are not going to change, however, if the school supe’s comment is anything to go by, a comment that tells much more about educators and this particular superintendent’s ego, than it does about the children’s needs:

“We hosted the Ministry of China here,” said Chris Carter, superintendent of Reed Union School District, of which Del Mar is a part. “A man who wants to know what we do, how we do it — and take it back to 230 million students. And here, we get negative press for it.”

I’ve never had any dealings with this superintendent, but I’ve heard from those who have that this is pretty typical of her attitude: I’m right and everyone else in the whole world is wrong.

UPDATE III: This is a very meandering post. Let me meander back to my point about the atom bomb: Truman properly fulfilled his function, as commander in chief, to dramatically minimize American casualties while still achieving the inevitable end of American victory — an end that would have been equally bloody for the Japanese, although they would have died more traditional deaths, at the receiving ends of bullets, bombs and bayonets.

Over at America’s North Shore Journal, the blog’s proprietor has looked as something the American press routinely ignores in its rush to publish casualty numbers out of Iraq: the proportion of Americans killed in the line of duty to the portion of Jihadis killed. The numbers are striking: our troops are being incredibly effective, while minimizing the risk to themselves — which is, after all, the way wars should be fought, unless you’re a member of the American media or the liberal establishment, in which case you pray for American deaths for reasons of political opportunism.

Speaking of which, I saw in the grocery store a Newsweek cover, which I can find at Newsweek’s website, so I assume it’s old, which asked whether Bush’s departure from White House means America can repair its standing in the world. Or, decoded, it asked whether, when the cowboy who looked after America’s interests leaves, can we please, please, please have either Edwards, or Hillary, or Gore, or Obama, or some other good Democrat who will willingly subordinate America’s interests to UN and European policy makers so that, even as we’re destroyed from the inside out, and from the outside in, liberals won’t have to suffer anymore by being insulted at cocktail parties by the transatlantic cronies.

(Hat tip for update III goes to the temporarily ailing lgf.)

UPDATE IV:  Here’s Cal Thomas on the same report about the British education system.

12 Responses

  1. On a side note, I’m especially bothered that we’re edging out time that could be used for fundamental education curriculum topics but instead making time to teach toddlers how to use PowerPoint!

    Among our circle of friends, my wife & I seem to be the lone voices of reason when it comes to concern over the ever-increasing emphasis on making computer-use skills a priority at such an early age. That kids now start using computers in kindergarten is both stunning & disturbing.

    My wife & I are both career professionals in the Information Technology field yet we’d both rather see the lion’s share of educational focus on basic studies rather than technology. I’d say, edge out the keyboard time and instead reintroduce a few cursive writing sessions or make sure that “little Johnny” can count change or read an analog clock…

  2. MAYBE SOME DAY it will turn out that Bookworm’s theory about the reasonablness of invading Iraq will be right on the money.After four years of historical revisonism that tried to paint Iraqian dead in Fallujah and Baghdad as the first and worst of American’s heedless plunge into the Jihadist war,recently revealed papers show that Bush (and Bookworm)were right.
    Didn’t Orwell say “who controls the past controls the future.Who controls the present controls the past”.In other words if you are in charge(operate a blog) or even think you are in charge(Bush)you can spin your story any way you want it.Ah Mark Twain “there are lies ,damned lies and then there are statistics.”
    Anyways ,hopefully ,everyone can relax and feel safe that they are in good hands, as George Bush said “I have made good judgements in the past.I have made good judgements in the future.”

  3. We are in a Great Educational Depression.Swoopvelt is calling for a New Deal.”So, first of all,let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless,unreasoning,unjustified terror(Bookworm’s educational rants) which paralyzes needed effort to convert retreat into advance.”
    We need to initiate a program of providing relief ,recovery and reform (3R’s) . . er I mean reading ,righting and rithmetic (3R’s) to the students and people of America.

  4. I tried what your page says about trackbacks, but could not find the necessary information. My post is here

  5. Given the quality of Chinese education as opposed to American education, I find it highly unlikely that they did much of anything other than have a good laugh about the Reed Union School District’s operation when they got home. Chris Carter is free to think what she likes, but, uh… (Christopher Walken voice here): “DOUBT it, Chris…”

    War is always best fought, to paraphrase Patton, like you mean it. Saves lives in the long run. No screwing around. (Unless we are screwing around, which leads to unsolved issues and unfinished business like Korea and Vietnam.) Truman was quite correct, based on what had just happened in Okinawa, there were estimates of up to a million casualties in a fight for Japan. One bomb ends it – and incidentally, kills fewer Japanese than the fire-bombing of Dresden did Germans – that’s the obvious way to go.

    I never actually gave a rat’s ass what the rest of the world thinks of us. I have no idea why anyone would suppose this is important. I lived in England for a number of years, and it’s a certainty that when they were the dominant power on the planet, throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they didn’t waste five seconds a decade being worried about what anyone else thought of them. I don’t know why we do.

    And the funny thing is, whose good opinion are we most concerned about? Who is most vociferously opposed to us?France and Germany. France has been cordially despised by just about everyone for most of its existence as a nation; and Germany (which hasn’t existed for very long) spent most of the twentieth century living as outcasts from the human race.

    And, of course, at base, France and Germany despise each other! The Germans have gotten so fed up with France that they’ve gone to war with them four times in the last century and a half (they won all four times, too; though in the last two the French emerged on the winning side – despite themselves losing). At this point the idea of needing to impress either of them strikes me as more of an idea for a Monty Python skit than anything else.

  6. Your analysis of Truman’s dropping the bomb on Japan is probably one of the first times I’ve seen it in print, but I’ve heard it all my life. My father, a Marine who fought at Iwo Jima and Saipan, was poised for the invasion of Japan when the bomb was dropped. Ask the families of any of those thousands of Marines in the same boat–they know that many Americans came home to their families because of Truman’s action. By the way, I can imagine what my late father would say about the whining over 14-month deployments: he first laid eyes on me when he returned from the Pacific–and I was two and a half years old.

  7. It’s not just those of us with family in the American invasion force who should be grateful for the atomic bomb — literally millions of Japanese should also be glad that their parents and grandparents weren’t called upon to give their lives to defend the Emperor and the homeland. Civilians in Japan were being issued knives or sharpened bamboo poles to use against soldiers with rifles, machineguns, and tanks. The atomic bombings saved at least ten times as many lives as they took, on the Japanese side alone.

  8. I read Fussel’s book on the Great War many years again and, if my memory serves me correctly, in the immediate aftermath of the war there was no great remorse over the staggering losses but joy of victory. The remorse over the losses only came later in the 1920’s with the writings of those who might now be called revisionists. Perhaps they were influenced by Gramsci and Leftists in general.

  9. I have two links that did not make it into my comment.

    The first is for Gramsci:

    The second is for Leftists:

  10. I believe it was on the 50th anniversary of VJ day that I heard NPR play an interview with a Japanese women. As a schoolgirl during the war, she had been issued a spear and trained to repel beach landings.

  11. babbie,

    You might want to read Willam Manchester’s Goodbye Darkness. It is an excellent account of what men like your father went through.

  12. […] California missions, was able to name all the missions, describe adobe production, source: Education without meaning, Bookworm […]

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