When it’s okay to complain

As those who know me best know well, I’m a kvetcher. In other words, I like to complain. Complaining doesn’t necessarily mean I’m unhappy; it may well mean that I’m engaging in something that is pleasurable in itself. My goal when I complain during a conversation is to be amusing — sort of like Joan Rivers, except without being vulgar, vapid or gossipy. I never lose sight of the fact that, with a few exceptions, my life is pretty damn good, and that my complaints are more decorative than real.

Some people, though, have legitimate gripes, and at Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum, written by a milblogger serving in Iraq, you get an earful of the really irritating things that can drive an active duty guy (or gal) crazy. These gripes range from on-the-job irritants (such as pettifogging bureaucrats and bosses who don’t recognize your abilities) to more global concerns, such as politicians (Democratic) who make insane demands merely to posture before the camera:

I am tired of the Democrats whining for months on T.V., in the New York Times, and in the House and Senate that we need more troops to win the war in Iraq, and then when my Commander in Chief plans to do just that, they say that is the wrong plan, it won’t work, and we need a “new direction.”

I am tired of every Battalion Sergeant Major and Command Sergeant Major I see over here being more concerned about whether or not I am wearing my uniform in the “spot on,” most garrison-like manner; instead of asking me whether or not I am getting the equipment I need to win the fight, the support I need from my chain of command, or if the chow tastes good.


I am tired of CNN claiming that they are showing “news,” with videotape sent to them by terrorists, of my comrades being shot at by snipers, but refusing to show what happens when we build a school, pave a road, hand out food and water to children, or open a water treatment plant.

I am tired of following the enemy with drones that have cameras, and then dropping bombs that sometimes kill civilians; because we could do a better job of killing the right people by sending a man with a high powered rifle instead.

Read the rest here. I’m not going to quit my whining (it is, after all, my hobby), but I certainly am going to hold tight to the thought that I have little to whine about.

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7 Responses

  1. With thanks for this link, Bookworm. I only wish the writer could have a go at the malcontents in this country. Who shame all of us.

    If time could repeat itself: my reading says that, after the end of hostilities between the British and Washington’s troops, that certain of the Continental Army decided to find their pay and benefits. (Note, as I understand, many of the Army got neither for extended periods of time.)

    The troops cornered parts, or all, of the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Like rats escaping, the frightened Congressman fled elsewhere, streaming by coach from Philadelphia. Play that today: I’d love to see Edward Kennedy, John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, and all the Democrats and cowardly Republicans scrambling to avoid a confrontation (verbal that is) with men such as your writer. It’d be a return to democracy to see the liars upstaged.

  2. I like your kvetching. But then, I’m a tolerant sort. Nothing like the “march in line or die” folks of the Left.

  3. The only not-so-good thing about that – gratifying as it may be to contemplate – is that it’s historically all too plausible.

    There have been a number of republics (which is what we are) through the course of history who have finally so offended their military establishments that said military establishments came home and put an end to said republics.

    Pleasant as it would be to see Kennedy, Murtha, et al ridden out of town on rails, I still favor having the voters do it.

  4. BW. During my Navy years I coined the phrase “recreational bitching” to describe what Sailors love to do–at sea.
    I always felt it provided a needed and somewhat effective safety valve. So, it may serve a real purpose for you.

  5. Yes, thankfully, ours remains a government of the people, and not by military fiat. I can’t imagine that happening, JJ. It’s the opposite that is the problem.

    Congressional meddling in times of war has always been troublesome. You have probably seen the A.Lincoln quote concerning his Congress. One day this week I encountered ab surd AP headline, “Democrats determined to change the course of the war,” a story about Congress. That’s wrong.

    Congress is supposed to debate (open debate). It has no reason to enter the theatre itself and tactics of any war. Of course, it has done just that in recent decades, and some of the disasters witness to that meddling.

    The growing power of the Internet– and thus the possibility of military voice while in the field–ordinary soldiers speaking out–has begun to alarm the Left and perhaps the Democrats. Shameful terms such as mercenary and other improper charges from Arkin (WaPo) are one sign.
    Military voiced opinion while in the field, versus MSM orchestrated disinformation at home. Worrisome and worthy match, no?

    How will this play out? Swift Boat showed that veterans can have an effect. I’d like to see veterans do just than in 2008, uniting at home to attack the thinking and words of the Hillarys, Feingolds, Hagels. Military men as civilians in the public arena. A new factor. Consider Hillary having to debate the hard facts and the anger of Bookworm’s subject. We live with a controlled media in this country. But what if Americans challenged that? Hillary’s nightmares might come true. How could she run?

  6. Ah, Bookworm, as to your next post…a “Madame Lafarge” you are not! http://www.igougo.com/travelcontent/JournalEntryActivity.aspx?entryID=29109

  7. Bless the soldiers,teachers,nurses,firefighters,etc.for the public service they provide(their choice with pay).Of course they are entitled to RANT, and RANT they should.They are on the front lines,and probably know as much,of what is going on,as does the commander,principal,Doctor or chief!
    However,the SIL VIS PACEM , PARA BELLUM blog title should read DIVIDE AND RULE THE BEST MOTTO. UNITE AND LEAD ONLY WHEN IT IS RIGHT(sorry Johann,sorry George).
    This soldier sounds like he is in a superbowl war game and wants to throw the long bomb an end it.
    Thank goodness he is not the QB(lousy game plan to be given).
    The government and people must continue to criticize an analyze the direction they have chosen(anything less would be unpatriotic)for this war(soldiers as well).Unfortunately some people call this type of vigilance treasonous(YER EITHER WITH ME OR AGIN ME) and thus causing the soldiers low moral(for crying out loud they are professionals . . yeah I know they are only 18 and have homes and families).
    Only by continuing too constructively criticize(as intelligently as they have been) the movements in the war can the level of the American consciousness be raised.
    Fire the coach.Bring back the Gipper.
    And be sure to keep the pep talks going !

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