A banal sex scandal

The San Francisco Chronicle is busy hyperventilating about Gavin Newsom’s tacky pecadillos and forlorn apology. Frankly, I think the doom and gloom prognostications about the political fall-out from Newsom’s behavior are over-the-top. The Chronicle goes on and on about the fact that Newsom has destroyed his political future and will never be governor. While it’s true that he may never be governor, I doubt that an affair is going to be the make-or-break moment. First, Americans are remarkably forgiving of sexual failures, especially if the one caught in the act is contrite. Bill Clinton, Hugh Grant and Gov. Ah-nold are perfect examples. Grant and Ah-nold wisely groveled immediately and were forgiven as quickly — with Ah-nold comfortably ensconced in the Governor’s mansion. Clinton, having blustered appalling, eventually backed down and continues to be one of America’s most popular political figures.

Second, when Newsom blithely violated the law to allow same-sex marriage, he already staked out his position on sexuality — one that will always play well in San Francisco, and will probably play less well (for at least a decade) outside of the City. In the same way, committing adultery with a friend’s wife will be shrugged off in San Francisco, and will take longer to be forgiven outside of the same City. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that, while it may leave a bad taste with some voters, the political fallout will vanish in a few years. And considering that Newsom is only 39, a few years is not a long time to wait. Indeed, consider his background in the wine industry, he can build a whole political metaphor about time maturing him like a fine wine.

Some Democratic operatives are worried that this whole thing will reflect badly on Pelosi, who’s been trying to distance herself from her San Francisco roots. However, when one considers that politicians all over America, of all political stripes, are routinely caught with their fingers in the nookie jar, I don’t see how one more adulterous moment, this one from a San Francisco Democrat, is going to slow the Pelosi juggernaut. She’s in Washington now, and she’s going to stand or fall on her ability to manage things out there.

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11 Responses

  1. Since the Clinton years, isn’t this regarded as a resume enhancement by Democrats?

    Buck up Newsom, and jump into the Presidential race!

  2. Sneeze,burp,cough,gas,sex,etc.Big whoop poopty doo! Who cares about the smelly little factivites that go on in the private bedrooms of the nation, it’s nobody business ? HA HA HA ! Who wants to know the sextracurricular proclivites of politicians,entertainers,athletes etc ? ME…ME please !
    Now, my neighbours peccadillos ,near Gopher Flats, just down the road from Moose Jaw,next to Petticoat Junction is
    a real sexsational newsworthy story.San Francisco soooooo booooor . .ing.

  3. “fingers in the nookie jar”
    I love it!

  4. This kind of dynamic is very similar to hollywood stars and celebrities. The scandal is nothing but entertainment on a level that most people don’t empathize with.

    So there’s a wall, a distance, that prevents people from being truly offended, because there is that glitz and glamour of the high life.

  5. And I thought that it was always your girlfriends best friend that you had to watch out for.

    I guess your wife’s boss as well. Some people never leave their College mentality.

  6. Someone could probably admit to having sex with a dead horse and still get elected in San Francisco.

  7. Perhaps. Nero syndrome.

  8. Caligula !

  9. I doubt this will hurt Newsom that much, but I have to say a guy sleeping with his best friend’s wife doesn’t sit well with most guys. Adultery is one thing, and it’s a personal problem, but sleeping with your friend’s wife is a whole different ball game. It makes him look like a real sleaze. It says something about the guy.

    Same goes for the wife. Sleeping with your husband’s best friend is about as low as it gets.

  10. Yeah all the queers are disappointed because they thought for sure he was one of them after his approval of gay marriage. They thought that previous marriage to that sexy babe (whatever her name is!) was just a cover up for his queerness. Now the word on the street in the Castro is that he is just bi! Whatever! Still fucking your best friend’s wife is not the classiest of behavior and if his political career ends in the City…well who cares? I suspect this scandal will do to his ambitions what Ted Kennedy’s attempt to get some stray young nookie long ago did to his (yeah he’s still a senator but he would have been prez…big difference!) God bless America and all it’s sinners!

  11. […] I don’t care that Gavin Newsom had sex with someone else’s wife (though next time, Mr. Mayor, try someone who’s not a spouse […]

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