Let me just flaunt my brilliance here

I swear that the following really, really gives me credibility to complain non-stop about my childrens’ education:

You paid attention during 100% of high school!



85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don’t get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
Create a Quiz

Before I congratulate myself too much, with the exception of a math question that actually required me to think, most everything else on the “quiz” was pretty damn basic.

Hat tip: Crossing the Rubicon , where Gail, one of the smartest bloggers around, also scored well and claims, improbably, that she spent her time in high school yawning and drooling.

10 Responses

  1. They should have asked this question. “What is an analog to digital convert and how does it work as opposed to an analog to digital converter?”

    86% for me. Book’s smarter.

  2. See, I cannot help but make mistakes. Analog to Digital (ADC) as compared to (DAC) Digital to Analog Converters.

    Or how about that physics question about the forces that keep an elevator stable if the cable was cut.

  3. 97%, and I hated high school.

  4. Okay, I’m an autodidact, and also somewhat retentive as indicated by my own addition:

    Last question: How do you spell the fourth answer in question 19?

  5. Twelth twis ye ganne spelleth in propre kinks Inglish, fromme tyme immemorial, swich beith the manour of gentils and not rough villeins.

  6. I’m happy to have gotten 97% because that means that maybe I’m as smart as Dagon after all.

  7. I squeaked out a 91%, which is better than I deserved, I’m sure. Sheesh! So I linked to this post! Thanks, BW!

  8. I got 100%, but I really just guessed at which sentence had a dangling modifier.

  9. […] This is all benning’s fault! I saw these silly quizzes and had to take them! So give ‘em a go and have some fun! Oh, benning can blame Bookworm, who scored 100%!) for it, because he got them from her! […]

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