Just how “big” a threat is Israel?

Although European venom seems to be leaking away as Europe’s Muslim immigrants turn against the Europeans themselves, Europe still holds remarkably jaundiced views of Israel. In a poll about a year ago (which I’m too lazy to dig up), Europeans opined that Israel was the greatest threat to world peace and stability. In the Arab world, of course, Israel is the ultimate scapegoat. It’s Israel’s fault that Arab nations are mired in ignorance, poverty, violence and misogyny. At his UN speech yesterday, Ahmadinijad made no secret about Israel’s enormous role in depriving the entire Arab world of peace, harmony and enlightenment. Indeed, the entire UN has spent the last thirty years making that point. It has focused more energy on Israel than on all other nations combined, including such little blips on the radar as the Sudan, Cuba, China, etc. Given what enormous influence Israel apparently wields, it’s useful to get a reality check, which you will find here.

Hat Tip: Richard Diamond

4 Responses

  1. Wow, I never knew Israel was so mighty.

    Do bullies pick on the strong or do they pick on the weak? Do terrorists attempt to kill soldiers in their barracks or do they focus on killing children?

    Terrorists are funny in a way, They are equal opportunity bullies. If they are strong, they’ll take on the US Marines in Lebanon. But if they are weak and running, they’ll drop a few corpses of children to slow the pursuit (Qana).

    I wonder what would happen if Israel gave a contract to the Kurds, for the Kurds to annihilate Hizbollah.

  2. Oh, come on now, we all KNOW that Israel IS the greatest threat to world peace. Just look at what Israel is doing in Darfur! What, you say that that’s not Israel? Okay, well, what about the the horrific terrorist bombings in India? What do you mean, that WASN’T Israel??? Fine, how about the ongoing mass murder in the Congo? Excuse me? That’s not Israel either?

    To quote Gilda Radner, Never mind…………….

  3. There’s money to be made off the frenzied UN acclaim for the two monsters–Hugo-face and Ahmadinijad. Dr. Sanity finds a funny view at Scrappleface:
    ‘“President Bush can talk about his national security plan and foreign policy all day long,” said an unnamed RNC spokesman, “But no one makes a more compelling case than the duo of Mahmoud and Hugo. We want to make sure every American has an opportunity to hear these important world leaders.”‘

    British insanity watch

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