On egos and alter-egos

Those who know the corporeal me, as opposed to the cyber me, will tell you that I’m a fairly unassuming person.  I’m not at all shy — indeed, I’m quite gregarious in my own social circles — but I’m not someone who will put myself forward.  I don’t like going to court, preferring to argue behind the scenes in briefs.  I enjoy being involved at a fairly high level in organizations that matter to me, but I don’t like the most prominent position.  I’ll serve on your Board, but don’t make me President or Chair.  I like being near power, but not wielding it myself — in corporeal life.

My alter ego is another thing altogether.  My Bookworm alter ego craves attention and acclaim.  I’m the first to volunteer for various blogger-type initiatives, and I’m quite energetic in promoting my blog.  I obsessively check my stats because it thrills me — or the alter ego me — beyond measure when I get recognition.  A mention in a prominent publication has me walking tall for hours.  I find this side of myself quite surprising.  Have any other of you anonymous bloggers experienced the same thing?

2 Responses

  1. I hear ya! It is a lot easier to give full air to ou alter-self when there is little risk of splash back real-world. Oddly, over the past half-dozen years, my most rea part of my life is now online. My income is derived from ebay, my banking by paypal, most buying by Amazon etc. I’ve now reached the point that my real-world presence has the alter that is ego.


  2. Bookworm has become liberated.

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