Some people really aren’t mentally equipped to vote

Next time you read that your fellow citizens have, by signing petitions, put something totally ludicrous on the ballot (such as Arizona’s initiative to use lotteries to bribe people into the voting booth), think of this video:

Hat tip: PalmTree Pundit

5 Responses

  1. The funniest thing I have seen in a long time.

  2. This is indicative of the prevailing fallacy that everyone should get a college education; many of these college grads only end up unemployed/underemployed with tuition debts to pay. But then again, Yale admitted the Taliban spokesman who had a fourth-grade education and an Afghani GED and he’s supposedly getting B’s—now why again is Yale considered an elite university?!?

  3. Well, at least there were two people who knew what it meant. That’s on a campus – imagine how he’d have done at a mall.

    At the risk of annoying everybody, I’m sort of in favor of it myself. The female vote brought us Kennedy, apparently, if I recall some of the reasons rightly (which I do), because Jackie was a snappier dresser than Pat Nixon. The ladies gifted us with the Clintons – Bill Clinton, in all his races for governor and president never even came close to garnering the male vote, except once in a gubernatorial election; and that thing he’s “married” to is in the senate only because the ladies put her there.

    And the ladies continue to give us the Massachusetts senatorial delegation, as they do the California one, and the washington state one.


  4. Well, at least there were two people who knew what it meant. That’s on a campus – imagine how he’d have done at a mall.

    At the risk of annoying everybody, I’m sort of in favor of it myself. The female vote brought us Kennedy, apparently, if I recall some of the reasons rightly (which I do), because Jackie was a snappier dresser than Pat Nixon. The ladies gifted us with the Clintons – Bill Clinton, in all his races for governor and president never even came close to garnering the male vote, except once in a gubernatorial election; and that thing he’s “married” to is in the senate only because the ladies put her there.

    And the ladies continue to give us the Massachusetts senatorial delegation, as they do the California one, and the washington state one.

    Hmmm… that should get me into a sufficiency of trouble!

  5. The funny part was, the first man actually told his female friend that suffrage was her right to vote. The Man Show also did something similar, where they just set up job on a stret corner and got the sign “End Suffrage”.

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