A society falling apart

Those familiar with my writing know that, while I haven't touched upon it in a while, a particularly hate multiculturalism, which I believe is one of the great cancers eating away at Western culture. To me, it has nothing to do with respecting the cultures of others, and everything to do with hating our own culture. I was therefore very impressed with what Melanie Phillips had to say to Kathryn Lopez on that subject in a National Review interview promoting her book Londonistan:

Lopez: Is there any sense of British nationalism/culture being taught in British schools? I remember spending an entire year on British literature in a New York City high school. Is that kinda thing a multiculturalism no-no in London today? How prohibitive is tolerance in the classroom?

Phillips: For three decades and more, the British education system has stopped transmitting the story and values of the nation on the grounds that national identity is racist, xenophobic, inhospitable, and so on. So English literature and, even more so, British political history are only minimally taught. If anything is racist, of course, it’s that attitude itself because it means that recent immigrants are excluded from equal participation in British society because they are left in ignorance of it. Britain used to do integration; now it does disintegration. In every sense. [Emphasis mine.]

By the way, a companion piece is this NRO article about the insanity that the American Educational Research Association generates to explain away the ills in today's society.  Much of the stuff that is, on its face, nonsense is grounded in ideas about multiculturalism.  How else to explain titles such as "Resisting Resistance: Using Eco-Justice and Eco-Racism to Awaken Mindfulness, Compassion, and Wisdom in Preservice Teachers" or ""Every Shut Eye Ain't Sleep and Every Goodbye Ain't Gone: Paradoxes of Race in the Production of Political Knowledge of Decolonizing Nationhood" (this last being about oppressed Hawaiian women).  Anyway, read the whole thing.  If you're like me, you won't know whether to laugh or cry.

8 Responses

  1. A society is like a tree. Without strong roots rooted in the energy flows of the past, bad things can start happening. Any willy nilly revolutionary wind will pull you out of the safety of the ground.

    Btw, Tom Cruise’s movie seemed to have sunk.

  2. Btw, Melanie Phillips has a website melaniephillips.com, that is periodically updated.

    Regarding Mr. Cruise’s latest action thriller, I will never see another movie with this guy in it — for nonpolitical reasons, I merely find him to be a nutcase; his antics offend me; his acting is tepid. And I will not see another sequel to a remake of an old TV show (Gawd, I half-expect the remake of My Mother The Car with Jim Carrey or Will Farrell and Shirley Maclaine as mom.)

  3. I enjoyed this post. I have to say that I agree with you about multiculturalism, you just have to turn on the news to see that it doesn’t work, and it won’t work.

    Boy are we all in for a bumpy ride.


  4. Readers may know the ‘European author’ at wolfgangbruno.blogspot.com.
    I find the writer certainly provocative for those who like to think. Here is part of his take on ‘Multiculturalism,
    Multiculturalism is apartheid with lip gloss, tribalism recycled. It is the bastard child of the other collectivist ideologies of the 20th century: Fascism and communism. Which helps explain why Western groups on both the extreme left and the extreme right frequently have a cozy relationship with Islam: It is a marriage of convenience between a pre-modern culture and modern totalitarian ideologies based on mutual disdain for Western individualism. The entire leftist worldview is based upon the idea that certain groups of people oppress other groups of people. Leftists need oppressed groups, and Muslims need to explain away their own failures by claiming to be oppressed. It’s a perfect match.

  5. Melanie Phillips’ Londonistan

    Melanie Phillips, who’s a columnist for Britain’s Daily Mail, has just published her latest book, Londonistan, now reviewed at National Review Online.

  6. People who are multicultural actually understands different cultures. Meaning what? Meaning that you could go to Japan and accept their surrender, without causing a wave of violence because you “shamed” their honor. MacArthur understood the Japanese, and macArthur was military.

    Multiculturalism, or cosmopolitanism which is superior, is produced by traveling to different places, meeting different people, and learning different philosophies.

    For the Democrats and the Left, they do not truly believe or want to learn anythng about a philosophy than their own. Everything they pick up from different cultures, they assimilate into their OWN version of apartheid, class warfare, imperialism, and so on and so forth.

    In Populist Parties, there are two classes of beings. The victims, and the leaders of the victims. That’s about it. Anyone else, are barbarians to be staked and killed.

  7. Everybody knows in a second life, we all come back sooner or later.
    As anything from a pussycat to a man eating alligator.
    Well you all may think my story, is more fiction than it’s fact.
    But believe it or not my mother dear decided she’d come back.

    As a car…
    She’s my very own guiding star.
    A 1928 Porter.
    That’s my mother dear.
    ‘Cause she helps me through everything I do
    And I’m so glad she’s near.

    My Mother the Car.
    My Mother the car.

    Sorry to be off topic but Zombhre got me excited over the prospect of a remake of “My Mother the Car” with Jim Carrey–what a great drive-in movie that would make…

  8. I have to say, that I could not agree with you completely, but it’s just my opinion, which could be wrong.

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