A straightforward defense of a colleague and employee

At least one person in Washington, D.C., isn't afraid to be a straight talker in Rumsfeld's defense.  George Bush is always at his best when he doesn't hide the ball and play political talking games.  Thus, when asked about Rumsfeld, Bush had this to say:

BUSH:  [O]n Friday, I stood up and said I don't appreciate the speculation about Don Rumsfeld. He's doing a fine job. I strongly support him.

QUESTION: Well, what do you say to critics who believe that you're ignoring the advice of retired generals, military commanders, who say that there needs to be a change?

BUSH: I say I listen to all voices. But mine's the final decision.

And Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job. He's not only transforming the military, he's fighting a war on terror — he's helping us fight a war on terror.

I have strong confidence in Don Rumsfeld.

I hear the voices. And I read the front page. And I know the speculation. But I'm the decider and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense.

I want to thank you all very much.

In the backstabbing, cowardly world of Washington politics, what George Bush said is really saying something.  

5 Responses

  1. Perhaps like others I am beginning to revisit the history of the Vietnam War. Today’s world has caused me to see that time in a different light. And to shift the blame game.

    George Bush has quietly made sure that the Iraq mission will not be the same political mudfight that kills hundreds of thousands and wrecks this country at the same time. He stays the course– with Rumsfeld, with his basic refusal to even debate those who seditiously question the right of protection of our way of life. His biggest triumph is that Iraq will not be a Vietnam, at least for his watch.

    It is sad to know that many in this country want it to be be (yes, why so is hard to understand). AS Meyer observes below, neither retired military officers (whose latest efforts contradict our tradition of a civilian controlled government), nor mindless destructive media will change George Bush. The buck does indeed stop with this President.


    The Generals are Revolting
    April 18th, 2006

  2. I’m not sure what I think about this. On the one hand, I think Rumsfeld has made many mistakes in the handling of the wars and the military, and I think that there is merit in the calls for his resignation. I think it speaks volumes that retired generals are publicly criticizing him, that many generals retired so that they wouldn’t have to serve under him, and that the number of company-grade officers leaving is increasing under his watch.

    I’m also unsure about the statement “I’m the decider, I’ll decide what’s best.” I think the credibility factor of the administration plays a part here, and that it’s increasingly difficult for the public to believe that the President is actually working under the premise of what’s best, especially in the wake of what’s above.

    Do I think that Rumsfeld should leave? Probably. However, I think if the President were to fire him at this point in time would only fuel the fire of criticism he already faces. I guess my conclusion at this time is that the President’s decision is wrong, but he made it for the right reason.

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  4. But I’m the decider and I decide what is best.

    Bush, at his best autocratic self ; )

    Btw, the generals retired because they had enough pension. There’s really no story I’ve heard that said they resigned because of protest. Why? Because the media would and should have made great light upon that.

    You can trust the media on this. If a General resigned in protest of Rumsfield or Bush, you would hear about it, and keep hearing about it.

  5. Rumsfeld would have to really screw something up right now for Bush to accept or ask for “Rummy’s” resignation. Whatever mistakes he’s made in the past are just that…in the past.

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