Alpha dogging the Afghanis

It's not just remembering past events that helps us to avoid repeating past mistakes, it's also recognizing the foibles and mental tics of past enemies. As always, since we're engaged in another fight against true totalitarianism, it's useful to remember the German experience from both WWI and WWII. Let's begin with the inimitable Mark Steyn's description of our current enemy as seen through the prism of Abdul Rahman's fight for life as a converted Christian in Afghanistan:

As always, we come back to the words of Osama bin Laden: "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." That's really the only issue: The Islamists know our side have tanks and planes, but they have will and faith, and they reckon in a long struggle that's the better bet. Most prominent Western leaders sound way too eager to climb into the weak-horse suit and audition to play the rear end. Consider, for example, the words of the Prince of Wales, speaking a few days ago at al-Azhar University in Cairo, which makes the average Ivy League nuthouse look like a beacon of sanity. Anyway, this is what His Royal Highness had to say to 800 Islamic "scholars":

"The recent ghastly strife and anger over the Danish cartoons shows the danger that comes of our failure to listen and to respect what is precious and sacred to others. In my view, the true mark of a civilized society is the respect it pays to minorities and to strangers."

That's correct. But the reality is that our society pays enormous respect to minorities – President Bush holds a monthlong Ramadan-a-ding-dong at the White House every year. The immediate reaction to the slaughter of 9/11 by Western leaders everywhere was to visit a mosque to demonstrate their great respect for Islam. One party to this dispute is respectful to a fault: after all, to describe the violence perpetrated by Muslims over the Danish cartoons as the "recent ghastly strife" barely passes muster as effete Brit toff understatement.

Unfortunately, what's "precious and sacred" to Islam is its institutional contempt for others. In his book "Islam And The West," Bernard Lewis writes, "The primary duty of the Muslim as set forth not once but many times in the Quran is 'to command good and forbid evil.' It is not enough to do good and refrain from evil as a personal choice. It is incumbent upon Muslims also to command and forbid." Or as the Canadian columnist David Warren put it: "We take it for granted that it is wrong to kill someone for his religious beliefs. Whereas Islam holds it is wrong not to kill him." In that sense, those imams are right, and Karzai's attempts to finesse the issue are, sharia-wise, wrong.

Now let's work our way back to the past. In WWI, the Brits (when they still had a sense of their own worth), used to say of the Germans, "The Hun is either at your throat or at your feet." I always translated this to mean that Germans were an intensely heirarchical society, that didn't recognize equality. Instead, Germans placed people in up and down positions. In other words, they had a dog-like view of society, with alpha dogs, beta dogs, and prey. (Considering how heirarchical the world was at that time, including in England, it's pretty impressive that the German's were considered stand-outs in that arena.) In such a society society, it's always better to be up than down (since there is euality option). And if you're too far down, you get, not just bossed around, but eaten. Hitler, of course, showed what happened when the Hun really went for the throat.

I think we can reach the same conclusions about heirarchical societies (or "dog social structure" societies) when we talk about Islamofacism. In the worldview that controls in all Sharia nations, equality and Democracy aren't virtues, they're weaknesses. The only strength is fanatical adherence to Mohammad's early medieval, post-pagan, desert nomad pronouncements. Given this, we must first get the fanatic Islamists in the "down" position, away from our throats, before we can make them receptive to the virtues of Democratic/equality thinking. And if you think I'm wrong, look at how, oncer we imposed a beta position on Japan and Germany in 1945, they were finally and thoroughly able to learn about equality's virtues.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

18 Responses

  1. I’m not posting the link cause I don’t want typepad to ban me for a bot, like it did before.

    I had to put my reply on my blog, since there were a lot of links there.

  2. Don’t you love the word, ghastly? I can just hear Prince Charles saying it in his oh-so-correct British accent. I read a while back that he’s a Moslem convert and that’s why he was allowed to marry Camilla and will shortly be passed over and the throne given to William.

  3. We need another guy like this Sir Charles on the job:

    “You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours.” –Sir Charles Napier (1782-1853), a British general, responding to Indian locals who complained about his interference with their native ritual of “suttee.”

    Update: Ain’t no mo’ widda ladies being burned in India.

  4. This has got me thinking about how to separate the silent majority of Muslims from the Islamofascists. While it is counter-intuitive, perhaps we should start “outing” Muslim converts to Christianity (and all other religio-worldviews).
    Since there apparently is an obligation on the part of muslims to kill such converts, it could force the silent majority (particularly here in the US) to take a public stand. The goal would be to expose those members of the silent majority who hold views incompatible with American reality and force a debate with everyone else.

  5. What happens if we start outing converts, and it turns out there is no “silent majority?” The guy in Afghanistan who was almost executed for converting was handed over to the authorities by his own parents, who were some of the most liberal Muslims in the country, having allowed their son to be exposed to Christianity infthe first place.

  6. Well, then we would know for sure where we (and they) stand. And we would have to defend these converts with all our hearts. If the silent majority of muslims in the US is silent because they agree that converts should be murdered than they are indeed an existencial threat to our way of life, and we would need to strike first.
    Not all American muslims agree that converts should be murdered; we need to know whether they are a minority or the majority, we need to separate the ‘wheat from the chaff.’

  7. Social Engineering is a tricky subject. They never taught it in school so I’ve had to learn as I went.

    It seems to me that if you apply the lessons learned after the Civil War and after WWII, concerning racism and racial segregation, you can come up with a workable strategy for Afghanistan.

    If Afghanistan is not willing to protect Rahman and execute people who threaten him, America should do it for Afghanistan.

    It is the same principle as what the federal government did concerning Democratic states in the South. Grant sent federal troops in to exterminate the KKK, which worked. It protected the blacks, and Republican government reigned supreme in the south. When troops were gone, then the Democrats took the South, and blacks were pocked.

    The problem is, Bush doesn’t want to Empire build. He wants to National build, except Bush ain’t toogood at nation building. So I’m not too encouraged to recommend Empire building to Bush.

    But if you do Empire building right, then the problems in Afghanistan disappears.

    The primary advantage of our enemy is that their tactics are so new, so outrageous, and so shadowry that our military and our government does not have any ready experience to deal with it. This is not a regular war, nor is it a regular guerrila war, nor is it a combined regular/irregular war like Vietnam.

    This is like the entire American history condensed down to 5 years, in Afghanistan and Iraq, occuring at once. The War on Terror has gone beyond “terror” now.

    I swear, 200 years from now, historians will be going gaga when they study this period and its ramifications.

    Just to be clear, I’m not recommending the annexation of Afghanistan as the 51st state. For one thing, it isn’t necessary. For another thing, it would sap American resources and put us on the road to expansionism. Now is not the time to expand. But, we can serve as the federal government to Afghanistan, in all but the legal meaning. Our army protects Afghanistan, we give them foreign aid… that’s exactly the same thing the federal government does with American states. Afghanistan is under our power, regardless of how you dress up the legalities of “sovereignty”. President Bush, by not recognizing this, reduces the effectiveness of the help we can offer Afghanistan. Sure, the ultimate project is not the United States of the World, the ultimate project is an independent Afghanistan. But to get an independent Afghanistan, we have to protect Afghanistan not only from the foreign taliban enemies, but also from the Afghanistanis.

    Afghanistan has 50% of the population we can acquire support from, guaranteed. WHo are they? They are women. More specifically, women of the newer generation. Remember WWII. Women got jobs as men and helped the war effort, women’s rights after that soared publicly.

    But if we allow the clerics and the Islamics to kill and rape our supporters, the liberal men and women of Afghanistan, then we will have failed in a contemptible struggle. I don’t care how many people President Bush has to order killed, but he cannot allow the Islamics, the clerics, and the militias to tear apart people like Rahman in the streets. I don’t care how many prejudiced religious fanatics die in the process, just as I didn’t care how many white racist dudes died in American history. Preferably, if you can, kill them all and let history sort out who was right or wrong.

    As our history concerning the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white Supremacists can attest to, history has one guaranteed story if liberal democracy wins.

  8. As a contrast to some of the ‘bloody thinking’ here, I offer a more generous post on from Dr. John Mark Reynolds, Biola University. He posts at Middlebrow and you can read it here:
    “Christians nations have long recognized. . . recognized generations before “secular pressure” could have forced them to do so. . . that they are the most healthy when they allow members to leave if they feel they must. Even nations with national churches have long agreed that persons can full citizens (even atheists) while disagreeing with the core, recognized values of the state church. In fact, properly understood these national churches were a way of allowing for diversity of thought while maintaining a means for the majority to achieve recognition of its central values without coercion. England was a Christian nation by history, culture, and population. The state could recognize and even promote Christian activities, but it would not punish minority opinion. In fact, by the Victorian age religious minorities were allowed full citizenship rights in a nation that was overwhelmingly traditionally Christian. When Christians had the power to choke off Darwin or Marx in England, they did not. They allowed both men to scribble away and attempted to battle their ideas.”

  9. Indeed, you have to ask, JG, why a religion would want to have amongst its members people who are only there through fear and coercion.

  10. Bookworm, would a 2d post be permissible here? There seems to be some dissent against the Islamic religious model in Egypt. You can read about it :

    The host site seemingly belongs to an Egyptian who also lives in the US. Perhaps her thinking represents one sort of window, or opening, we all pray for.

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