Why I hate the UN

And why I’m feeling good about Canada right now:

Members of the UN’s new human rights watchdog on Tuesday formally agreed to continue their scrutiny of Israel while halting investigations into Cuba and Belarus – a move that immediately drew fire from Canada and the United States.

The decision was part of a package of reforms adopted by the members of the Human Rights Council to change how it conducts its future work, including how and when to launch investigations into some of the world’s worst rights offenders.

The council, which was formed last year to replace the discredited UN Human Rights Commission, passed the compromise package despite objections from Canada over plans to continue singling out Israel for scrutiny by the global body.

The European Union, which played a key role in the negotiations, said ahead of the meeting that it remained to be seen how the council can perform on the basis of the agreement.


An influential Cuban-American member of Congress, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, said she would seek to halt US funding to the council because of the ”hopelessly flawed” rules exempting Cuba and Belarus and targeting Israel.

Ros-Lehtinen, the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said she plans to offer an amendment to the Foreign Operations Appropriations legislation that is scheduled for a vote later this week by the US House of Representatives.

”To its shame, the UN Human Rights Council celebrated its first birthday by giving gifts to Fidel Castro, the authoritarian regime in Belarus and the enemies of the democratic state of Israel,” she said.

Under the package each council session may deal with urgent human rights crises as they develop – over the objections of countries that feared it could be used to unfairly single out developing nations.

The large Muslim and African groups, which dominate the council, had lobbied hard to minimize the scope for naming and shaming countries over their human rights records, but make an exception for Israel, the only government explicitly criticized so far by the body. Censure by the council brings no sanctions beyond international scrutiny.

2 Responses

  1. International scrutiny is the primary motivation behind why the Ayrabs and the Palestinians continue to fight and waste the lives of their children in Eternal Warfare. If you don’t shut off the international scrutiny used as fodder for Ayrab Propaganda, then the Eternal War will continue for the most part. A siege of Gaza EMP wise can do much to shut down electronic communication and reporting from or around Gaza.

    THe UN is also full of corrupt bureacrats that need killing. However, a simple thing such as the US withdrawing from the UN and forming its own Alliance would be enough to nullify the great majority of the UN’s international power, which is in the service of evil plain and simple.

  2. Wow – took less than a year for the Human Rights Council to become just as discredited as the Human Rights Comission got to be in decades – now there’s efficiency!

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